Forklift 1-4 offshore

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Duration: 20 hours

Minimum attendance to pass:90%

Course content

  • Introduction
  • Requirement for operator
  • Legislation in Norway
  • Forklift types/classes
  • Accidents involving work equipment
  • Construction and operation
  • Inspection and reporting
  • Stability
  • goods handling
  • Use of safety regulation
  • Practical module 3.2 (6 hours)
  • Examination Theory,
  • (Practice if 20 hrs documental training)

Goal for course

The objective of this training is to provide truck crane operators a basic theoretical and practical training in safe use of forklift, so that incidents and accidents in connection with lifting operations are avoided.

Intake requirements

Module 1.1 Working environment, responsibility & consequences

Target audience

Personnel who shall us working equipment like forklift in their worksituation

Final exam

Theory module 2.2Min. number of questions 30Maximum time: 1 hoursPassing rate: 80%


A certificate of course completion shall be issued to each student who has successfully met the requirement of the course, The certificate shall include; PNI Training Centre AS, Course title, Date of the course, Date of birth (Student), Name of the student and be signed by Managing Director